After waiting the majority of my life I was finally able to claim my inheritance: a Minolta SRT 201 from my father. After a less than thirty minute lesson on the basics of 35mm photography he told me to go have fun and stop bothering him. Unfortunately the camera is significantly older than I am and the light seal has dried out and peeled away. The first roll of film I shot was completely useless, however after looking around on the internet for DIY repairs or light seals I discovered some vintage camera aficionados use yarn in their cameras. The yarn I bought was too thick so I decided to try embroidery thread. Assumed this wouldn't work, but it sure beat the hell out of $150 to send the camera off to get repaired or lurking on eBay to win a new camera body. Imagine how excited I was today to discover some of my pictures actually survived.
Except now it seems the shutter is giving me trouble. The majority of my pictures I took in the early morning light by Lake Johnson are black on the right side. For instance the one above.
All the pictures are the "yard" behind my apartment turned out pretty freaking sweet if I say so myself.